In Memoriam

May 20, 2020 - Feb 25, 2022
Robyn was an incredibly happy little girl with the most amazing energy. Although she had a short life, it was full of fun, love and laughter. Robyn was thrilled to spend time with her big sister Olivia, and was very easy going and content to do whatever Olivia forced her into - like nap time or walks in the doll stroller. She had a way of making us all laugh and brought so much joy to our family which we are still so grateful for. We love and miss her so much.
~ mom Kristyn

Demitri Musaphir
April 11, 1997 - Mar 9, 2021
My Demitri, your life had a purpose...Your legacy will live on in Baby Butz cream, the product you helped inspire and because of it you helped thousands of babies and children every day. I am proud that you were born to me. I love you Demitri, now and always. My sweet boy.
~ mom Majda