Join in the
as we raise funds to create the first Canadian CdLS Centre of Excellence to ensure Canadians diagnosed with CdLS can access quality care right here in Canada, without having to travel to the US or abroad.
Find five friends to donate just $20 a month and you will be entered into a draw to win a grand prize to be announced at the first ever Canadian CdLS Clinic held in Toronto, May 10th, 2025. You will also be entered into monthly draws for prizes once you have found Five committed friends to donate monthly.
Stay tuned for the list of monthly prizes and the Grand Prize Announcement.
If you need help with a 30 second "elevator speech" on CdLS and how your friend's donation can make an impact, simply request an electronic toolkit through the below e-mail. Send the names of 5 of your friends who have committed to monthly donations of 20$ or more to enter the chance to win at
What you need to do:
1. Order your personalized fundraiser kit by sending us your favourite photo of your loved one with CdLS to support@canadiancdlsfoundation.com
The kit will be sent to you by mail and will include:
Talking points about CdLS
Elevator speech for family, friends and your colleagues
Printed postcard with your loved ones photo including information about CdLS, the Foundation and the purpose of the Fundraiser along with cards to give to friends to commit to monthly donations. Send us your favourite photo of your loved one with CdLS.
2. Approach your family, friends, community members and colleagues by giving them your loved ones personal postcard and share with them what CdLS is, how we are spreading awareness, providing support and advancing care across Canada.
3. Once a friend has committed to a minimum monthly donation of 20$ CAD they will enter your name as the referring friend on the donation
4. Once we have five monthly donors tagged in your name, you will be entered into the next months draw prize and the year end Grand Prize draw to be held at the first ever Canadian all day CdLS Clinic in Toronto on May 10, 2025.

Your Donation, Their Lifeline
Enter the name of your friend who recruited you to become a monthly donor.
Is this donation tax deductible?
The Canadian CdLS Foundation is a Registered Canadian Charity and your donation is tax deductable within the guidelines of Canadian law. To claim a donation as a deduction on your Canadian taxes, please keep your email donation receipt as your official record. We will send you the email receipt by e-mail.
Why donate monthly?
As a monthly donor, you can help guarantee consistency and continuity in CdLS Foundation services. Donate online with a credit card and choose "monthly" to make a sustaining gift to be charged automatically to your credit card each month. You may make changes to or suspend your gift at any time by contacting the CdLS Foundation. The FIVE FRIENDS FUNDRAISER will be used to fund a full day CdLS Clinic in 2025.